Thursday, January 16, 2014

Louv Reflection

The reading on Richard Louv was eye-opening and intriguing. It made me think of people that I have encountered on the few trips I have made out of the country, most of them being in tropical climates. The individuals that live on these islands always have a smile on their face and from my observation, seem happy, although, they are not living in the biggest homes or drive the nicest cars. Could this be the lush environment that surrounds them? I would like to believe that this is true.
            Louv describes an important topic in regards to children who have been diagnosed with ADHD. He mentions that studies have shown an improvement in the behavior of these children once they had been exposed to greener environments. I cannot help but to agree with this concept. This is a great way to either eliminate the older therapies used, such as medication or as mentioned to use this type of therapy in combination. In our current society individuals have goals to try and live “greener” than in past times. Being in nature is a way to grasp this way of life. I personally enjoy being outdoors, and living in Ft. Myers having this access so close is a blessing.
            When reading through this excerpt from Louv, I came across some interesting quotes that may explain why some children do not express much interest in their studies. In the beginning of the reading Louv mentions a statistic “40 percent of American elementary schools either eliminated or considered eliminating recess.” This is very alarming to me, I can remember being in school as a child and waiting anxiously for recess time. It was a time that you could relax, talk to your peers and actually unwind. Why would the school system want to eliminate this? My thought on this idea, is that it will lessen the desire to learn and be able to grasp the many subjects they are being taught. I have learned that in my own personal studies, taking a break in between more than once allows me to grasp the content. Another example is the difference between children now and in past generations, “many children directed their energy and physicality in constructive ways.” Our society has conformed in a technological way, which has made great improvements, but has also made our society very lazy, especially children in the new age. It seems as if they have forgotten what being outside actually feels like. Their concern is more on watching television or communicating via the internet. The teenagers that Louv describes in the final reading moved me. Although some of these teens are dealing with ADHD, some did not have the supporting family at home. In particular the young girl returning to an empty home, “I looked out at the tress and thought of Kake.” This is a perfect example of what nature can instill in us as individuals. She knew the feelings that she felt while there, and tried to bring those feelings back by reminiscing.
            So, can being in nature open our minds? This is a question that we can all answer, we just have to take a step outside and listen to nature.

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