Monday, February 3, 2014

Grunwald Reflection

I have never been one to really pay attention to politics, but reading Grunwald has made me realize how cutthroat it can be. Everyone has different priorities in the world and will fight for those at all costs. This is exactly what the individuals did to pass the bill for the Everglades restoration project. I am sure that saving the Everglades for a lot of people, does not really hit home for those who have not experienced what this place is like, or how many species of plants and animals this affects. We have to remember that the earth was here far before mankind existed. If places like the Everglades cease to exist, I believe there will be much more problems for mankind. It is an opportunity and most importantly a blessing to experience such beautiful places.

It was humbling to read that a politician, Senator Graham had grown up in south Florida and had the passion to want to save the Everglades. He is a prime example of experiencing something and having an appreciation for it, although, he was around others like his father, who had a different dream for the Everglades. It mentions that his father was a “Sugar grower, a cattle rancher, and a real estate developer who dreamed of draining the Everglades” (103). Individuals with these particular job titles have different viewpoints and priorities about their land. I am sure that Graham knew the importance of the survival of the Everglades and also knew the importance of what his father was also. This brings another quote from the reading, “Every politician had to strike a balance between nature and people” (103).  Graham understood this very well; he was passionate about his purpose and also understood the purpose of others.

When reading this excerpt from Grunwald, I could not help but think of Leopold and the land ethic that he wrote about. If something like a land ethic were ever to be proposed I am sure there would be people in favor and those who are not. The bill for the Everglades was treated the same exact way. For something like this to be successful, there are individuals that are needed, who have a passion for the cause and go for it.  It will take time and there may be times that it does not go in your favor, but trying to sustain the environment is important to sustaining our lives. Just as Grunwald said, “Man and nature could coexist in peace” (101). We need the environment to survive. We need to try and understand what the environment is telling us and do our best to preserve it. The Everglades restoration project was a start and I know it is not the last.

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