Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Plan B 4.0 Reflection

Plan B 4.0 was alarming, eye-opening, and informative. This is the information that is needed for all individuals to see what is actually going on in the world and come up with ways to stop the world from disappearing. It is sad to say but we did this to ourselves and to our future generations, if people still exist in years to come. I know on a daily basis the news highlights droughts, famine, and pollution among tons of other harming and devastating occurrences going on in the world.  Do we really take a moment to listen or are we just too busy with our lives that it does not even register? These problems are not occurring in other countries, they are evolving right before our eyes, and we are the culprits.

I do not think that when humans first roamed the earth, the intent was to ruin it. It is just a process of trial and tribulation. It is the blindness that individuals portray that causes these problems to exist, which make it difficult to reverse rather quickly.  Peter Goldmark who is the director of Environmental Defense End states “ The death of our civilization is no longer a theory or an academic possibility; it is the road we’re on”(241).I believe that humans have a tendency to worry only of what is going on around them and which to it only affects them. We need to open our eyes and become more aware of what is happening.

I can understand that once civilization began, it was all about growth. But we have exceeded on the meaning “growth” and have caused a lot of damage to our world. It reminds me of a snowball effect. A growing population calls for an increase in food production, which then requires more crops to grow at much faster rates. These all lead to negative outcomes. Just as Brown mentions, “overpumping, overgrazing, overplowing, overfishing, and overloading the atmosphere with carbon dioxide” (15). All these problems exist together, there is no lone culprit.

What can we do to try and sustain our world? Just as the title states, Plan B has a “plan”. It has a goal “to move the world from the current decline and collapse path onto a new path” (23). Will it cure all of our problems? That is something that cannot be decided until this is tried out. The four goals are stabilizing the climate, stabilizing the human population, eradicating poverty, and restoring the economy’s natural support systems (242). All of these goals coincide with each other. One cannot happen unless the other follows, just like the snowball effect, but on a more positive scale. Some small changes have been made, such as, LED lights VS incandescent lights. LED lights do not use as much electricity. Another example, are the electric vehicles that are being made, they do not emit harmful gases like the fueled vehicles. It is a start, in helping with air pollution. What is happening to our world can only get worse, if we do not start changing things. It is something that each person should really think about and for our future generations. Do you want to leave this earth knowing that there is not much left of it?

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